


2月14日、ピアニストのKOTOMIが自身初となるアルバム「Chasing Echoes」をリリース。“車×音楽で人生を豊かに”をコンセプトに掲げ、Synとのコラボレーションが実現しました。

[画像1: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/127128/8/127128-8-fff5bfc6d235fc7003631817c869b062-3900x3900.jpg?width=536&quality=85%2C75&format=jpeg&auto=webp&fit=bounds&bg-color=fff ]




KOTOMI自身が初めて作曲を手掛けた表題曲「Chasing Echoes」では、エンジンをかけて加速する瞬間をイメージしたサウンドを取り入れて車の疾走感を表現。武蔵野音楽大学大学院でクラシック音楽を学んだKOTOMIがカバー曲として選曲した「Prelude BWV847」や「白鳥の湖」では、クラシック音楽に馴染みのないリスナーへも届くよう独自のアレンジを加えました。そして、コケティッシュでお茶目な雰囲気が楽しめるジャズのスタンダードナンバー「Cheek to Cheek」は、バレンタインデーにもぴったりな一曲です。

アルバムリリース日の本日、KOTOMIは東京・ハクジュホールでソロコンサート「愛の夢」を開催。リラックスしたい時や気持ちを明るくしたい時、どんな瞬間にもそっと寄り添える一枚に仕上がったKOTOMIのファーストアルバム「Chasing Echoes」をお楽しみください。
KOTOMI 本人コメント

[画像2: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/127128/8/127128-8-c1471486abb047d04f47b48e28166427-2000x1333.jpg?width=536&quality=85%2C75&format=jpeg&auto=webp&fit=bounds&bg-color=fff ]
[画像3: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/127128/8/127128-8-401385bed3607dc590cb4ff61188ff15-2000x1333.jpg?width=536&quality=85%2C75&format=jpeg&auto=webp&fit=bounds&bg-color=fff ]

[画像4: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/127128/8/127128-8-1a251691ab96dbd9b9e6baf98164fbc4-2000x1333.jpg?width=536&quality=85%2C75&format=jpeg&auto=webp&fit=bounds&bg-color=fff ]
[画像5: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/127128/8/127128-8-dea0be873d40886c89721177abce1498-2000x1333.jpg?width=536&quality=85%2C75&format=jpeg&auto=webp&fit=bounds&bg-color=fff ]
須川崇志(Double Bass, Cello)

KOTOMI 1st Album「Chasing Echoes」
[画像6: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/127128/8/127128-8-d3305056e0cead97bf092d5fdc3b7c5a-3900x3900.jpg?width=536&quality=85%2C75&format=jpeg&auto=webp&fit=bounds&bg-color=fff ]

- Chasing Echoes
- Prelude BWV847
- エリーゼのために
- Please Mr. Postman
- 星の祈り
- Intermezzo
- Cheek to Cheek
- 「白鳥の湖」の主題による幻想組曲<メインテーマ>
- Vogue

[画像7: https://prcdn.freetls.fastly.net/release_image/127128/8/127128-8-09fc1a87aa8b9584b9f53ee2fa67ad46-3900x2600.jpg?width=536&quality=85%2C75&format=jpeg&auto=webp&fit=bounds&bg-color=fff ]

ピアニスト。世界3大ミスコンテスト「ミス・ワールド・ジャパン2017」のファイナリストに選出されタレント賞を受賞。武蔵野音楽大学大学院音楽研究科博士前期過程ピアノ専攻卒業。サントリーホール、渋谷ストリームホール、池袋サンシャイン水族館などの大規模会場で演奏する他、定期開催するソロリサイタルでは卓越した演奏技術と豊かなパフォーマンスで観客を魅了している。オーストリア・ウィーン市内の介護施設(12箇所)でのコンサートツアーを行う他、ピアノ講師として次世代音楽家の育成にも取り組む。黄桜「辛口一献(舞台稽古篇)」のCM音楽の演奏や、インターネットラジオ「OTTAVA」など、メディア出演も多数。2月14日にはハクジュホールにてピアノコンサート「愛の夢」を開催。同日、自身初のアルバム「Chasing Echoes」をリリース。



Website (Syn):https://www.syn.world/
Website (Nick Wood):https://www.nickwood.music/
Instagram: @syn.world
Car-Loving Pianist KOTOMI Releases Her First Album!Enhance Your Drive with the Sound of the Piano.
On February 14, pianist KOTOMI releases her first album, Chasing Echoes. Embracing the concept of “enriching life through cars and music,” this album is the result of a collaboration with Syn.

Based in Tokyo, KOTOMI has not only built a career as a pianist but has also been recognized as a finalist representing Japan in the 2017 Miss World competition, where she won the Talent Award. She has been actively involved in various fields, including radio appearances and performances at major concert venues. Now, as a solo artist, KOTOMI takes a new step forward with the release of her first album. A devoted car enthusiast, she crafted this album to complement the driving experience and everyday moments, staying true to the concept of “enriching life through cars and music.”

The album’s production was handled by Syn, a renowned music production company. It features Nick Wood as the Executive Producer, Mathieu Kranich as the Producer, Emmy Award-winning sound engineer Takashi Akaku for mixing, and Yuji Hagiwara as the arranger.

The title track, Chasing Echoes, is KOTOMI’s first original composition, capturing the exhilarating moment of starting the engine and accelerating forward. With a classical background from Musashino Academia Musicae, KOTOMI also reinterprets Prelude BWV 847 and Swan Lake, adding her unique touch to make classical music more accessible. The jazz standard Cheek to Cheek, with its coquettish and playful vibe, makes for a perfect Valentine’s Day tune.
On the day of her album release, KOTOMI is holding a solo concert, Love’s Dream, at Tokyo’s Hakuju Hall. Whether you need a moment to relax or a boost of positivity, Chasing Echoes is the perfect album to accompany you through any moment. Enjoy the first album of KOTOMI, a pianist who blends music and the joy of driving.
Message from KOTOMI
I absolutely love driving, and I find the thrill of handling a manual car especially captivating. Listening to my favorite music during those moments makes the experience even more special. When I’m feeling happy, I choose music that lifts my energy even higher, and when I’m feeling down, I turn to songs that gently embrace me. Music is always there for us, but I believe that the car interior is a space where we can feel its presence even more intimately.

Time and time again, music has encouraged and uplifted me. Now, I want to be the one to bring strength and courage to others. With that heartfelt desire, I created this album. Instead of words, I offer music. May these sounds reach you and give you strength, wherever you are today.
Kotomi Hasegawa (KOTOMI)
Pianist. A finalist representing Japan in the 2017 Miss World competition. Graduated from the Master’s Program in Piano Performance at the Musashino Academia Musicae. She has performed at major venues such as Suntory Hall, Shibuya Stream Hall, and Ikebukuro Sunshine Aquarium. In her regularly held solo concerts, she captivates audiences with her exceptional technique and expressive performances. Beyond the stage, she has toured 12 nursing homes in Vienna, Austria, bringing music to local communities. She is also dedicated to nurturing the next generation of musicians as a piano instructor. Her media appearances include performing for the commercial music of Kizakura’s Karakuchi Ikkon (Stage Rehearsal Edition) and featuring on the internet radio station OTTAVA. On February 14, she will hold a solo piano concert, Love’s Dream, at Hakuju Hall. On the same day, she will release her first album, Chasing Echoes.
Syn was founded in 1991 as a global collaboration by Simon Le Bon, Yasmin Le Bon and Nick Wood. Nick has spent the last 34 years living in Tokyo and exploring “What The World Sounds Like”. In that time, Syn has been building incredible relationships with some of our world’s most talented and unique artists, musicians, engineers, sound designers and producers. Creatives who share a passion for storytelling through music and sound. Syn studios in Tokyo, Los Angeles, Beijing, Shanghai, London, and Manila have been lending this collective talent to some of the most powerful brands in the world, led by innovative creatives and demanding brand stewards who continue to ask for unique and innovative solutions that only Syn can provide. Gathering awards along the way, including Emmy, Clio, Promax and Cannes Lions, Syn’s projects cross borders and span time-zones, harnessing both global and local music culture.
This is what the world sounds like.



  1. 衝撃!ほっともっとの予約限定メニュー「のり弁バーガー」が「のり弁」すぎた!


  2. チャペルで壁を破壊……いったいどういう状況?


  3. 「日給5万円」の好待遇バイトに応募したら、やっぱり詐欺だった件




  1. 「Wヤマトコラボ液状のり」
  2. ゲオがPS5本体のレンタル開始 1週間で税込980円より利用可能
  3. 最後の一口まで濃厚な味わい ファミマ先行「ブリュレアイスバー」食べてみた
  4. オムツを捨てるときはパン袋がいいと聞いて……とあるママさんが勘違いからの「逆転勝利」
  5. 突然始まった猫のセクシーショー 妖艶な姿に観覧希望者が殺到


  1. さまざまなネット詐欺に潜入調査!



